Fix Or Sell Home

You are ready to list your home for sale and then you look around.. What to do? Should you spend time and money to fix your home or sell your home as is?

Licensed Broker and General Contractor

Consulting with Jim Heaney as a licensed real estate broker and Chicago licensed general contractor will provide you with a fix or sell home evaluation before you list your home with a real estate broker.

Most times a fix or sell home scope of work is repairing small items which will make your home sell quicker. An insightful fix or sell your home plan will assure your home sells quickly.

For a free fix or sell home evaluation call Jim Heaney at 312-282-0305 or email

Fix Or Sell Home Checklist

  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    1. At Properties licensed broker Jim Heaney learns client’s needs, and performs comparable market analysis and value based on sales comparison’s in the area.
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    2. Jim Heaney and client determine repairs and costs to maximize profits when sale is completed.
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    3. Jim Heaney presents scope of work contract and start and projected completion date of repairs.
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    4. Repair contract and listing agreement are signed.
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    5. Home staged, professionally photography and listed on MLS.
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    6. Jim Heaney has open house and lists home on premium websites (, Zillow, Trulia)
  • fix or sell home- Real Estate Broker Jim Heaney
    7. Client accepts offer and escrow process begins and home sale profits are dispersed to homeowner at closing.

For a design and build consultation please call 312-282-0305 and ask for Jim

Or Email